Sanaz Ramagi
Manager Of Department
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Introduction Department
1. Planning, organizing strategies, policies, guidelines and regulations for quantitative development and qualitative improvement of country's handicrafts.
2. Planning to support quantitative and qualitative development of handicrafts and traditional arts products, especially in exports domain.
3. Planning and supervision for promoting handicrafts and traditional arts, and creating transformation in designs and production and supply of products while preserving national authenticity and applications, especially in architecture and urban development.
4. Planning for developing necessary standards for raw materials and production methods and issuing quality certification for handicrafts and traditional arts in cooperation with Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran.
5. Planning for protecting handicraft artists’ rights and supporting their intellectual property rights in cooperation with relevant authorities.
6. Coordinating for attracting people, private and public sectors’ participation for domestic and foreign investment in production and marketing of handicrafts with relevant units.
7. Conducting necessary studies on how to expand presence and effective attendance in global markets to increase Iran's share in the world market.
8. Investigating and determining necessary policies for research on traditional arts and handicrafts.
9. Investigating membership in handicrafts and traditional arts international organizations, assemblies and centers; and planning for effective attendance in such assemblies.
10. Preparing regulatory, legal and bylaw directives and statutes to guide and support traditional arts and handicrafts.
11. Planning to support country's handicrafts artists and artisans.
12. Coordinating with relevant authorities on granting art degrees to country's handicraft and traditional arts artists within the laws and regulations framework.
13. Establishing communication and scientific, cultural and technical exchange with universities, institutions and entities related to handicrafts nationally and internationally.
14. Planning to create information dissemination sites nationally and internationally to introduce handicrafts.
15. Supervising handicrafts production and training workshops.
16. Planning to establish handicrafts and traditional arts documents and archives centers.
17. Issuing operation licenses for companies and institutions active in handicrafts and traditional arts, and supervising their performance.
18. Issuing industry cards, production permits, training completion certificates, workshops and production and training complexes establishment licenses and handicrafts and traditional arts trainer cards in coordination with relevant authorities and providing necessary supports.
Co-Workers In Department Handicrafts
Description Of Department Works
1. Planning for development of province's handicrafts and traditional arts in support, expansion and promotion affairs.
2. Preparing and compiling guide manuals related to guiding production units.
3. Utilizing information technology to optimize province's handicrafts and traditional arts.
4. Familiarizing various provincial organizations and agencies with handicrafts and traditional arts goals.
5. Overseeing establishment of a comprehensive databank in province’s handicrafts and traditional arts affairs.
6. Supervising preparation of reports on measures taken in handicrafts and traditional arts affairs across the province.
7. Supporting investment and entrepreneurship in various fields of province's handicrafts and traditional arts.
8. Identifying province’s handicrafts and traditional arts exporters.
9. Supervising operations of handicrafts and traditional arts workshops across the province.
10. Planning to identify handicrafts and traditional arts artisans and artists across the province.
11. Establishing provincial handicrafts and traditional arts documents and archives centers.
12. Continuously supervising implementation of training plans in various handicrafts and traditional arts fields.
13. Utilizing academic potential of universities and higher education institutions and establishing connections between these institutions and handicrafts and traditional arts producers.
14. Endeavoring to expand and promote province’s handicrafts and traditional arts by harnessing public participation.
15. Planning to encourage the youth to enroll in and continue vocational studies in handicrafts and traditional arts fields.
16. Participating in preparing support plans to safeguard intellectual property rights of handicrafts and traditional arts artists.
17. Attending seminars and specialized training courses.
18. Planning and distributing tasks among supervised staff.
19. Evaluating supervised staff performance and guiding them.